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Group Fields

The fields in the panel can be arranged in groups with a separate title.

In the example below, we assume that a text field for the receiver and a checkbox for the flagpage have already been configured. Now, these are to be arranged in a new group.

For general information about how to customize the PLOSSYS 4 panel, refer to Customize the Panel

Group in panel

This is how you arrange fields in a separate group with a title:

  1. Unless done, prepare customized panel configuration files panel-<customer_name>.json and settings-<customer_name>.json. For more information, refer to Customize the Panel.

  2. In both customized panel configuration files, generate a new list element in fieldsets containing the fields to be grouped and specify the (language-dependent) title in the title element:

    Example - separate group for the receiver and the flagpage

      "fieldsets": [
          "title": {"de": "Allgemein", "en": "General"},
          "fields": [
          "title": {"de": "Stempel", "en": "Stamps"},
          "fields": [
  3. Restart the following services:

    • seal-operator-p4

    • seal-operator-server

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